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Effective Means For Drying Clothes

Written By Unknown on Monday 17 June 2013 | 01:29

Electric clothes dryer has become a necessary appliance. Clothes drying equipment are present in most of the American households. A clothes drying equipment is also known as a tumble dryer or drying machine. These household appliances are one of the cheapest means for drying clothes. These electrical equipment are used to remove moisture from garments and other textiles.

An electric clothes dryer consists of three main parts, including a rotating tumbler, an electric-powered heater and an exhaust vent. The rotating tumbler holds the clothes. The heated air produced by the dryer is circulated through the tumbler. The hot air evaporates the moisture present in the wet clothes. The electric heater is used to heat up the air, which in turn heats up the water present in the clothes. The exhaust vent allows the evaporated water to exit in the form of steam.

An electric-powered clothes drying equipment usually requires 220 volts power. The heater present inside the electric clothes dryer contains coil. The coil is heated by electrical power. The heated coil in turn heats up the air. An average electric-powered clothes drying equipment has a carbon footprint of approximately 4.4 pounds or 2 kilograms of carbon dioxide load of laundry dried. Energy Star, a US government program, which deals with energy efficiency in consumer goods, does not rate electrical clothes dryers. The EU (European Union) energy labeling system is applicable to dryers. The labeling system labels dryers on the basis of the amount of electrical energy used per kilogram of clothes (kWh/kg). Dryers with label A are best and those with label G are worst.

The market offers a wide range of electrical clothes dryers. The combination washer dryers have become very popular over the past few decades. These machines are also known as 'combos'. These appliances allow you to wash and dry in the same machine. These machines are widely used in Europe and Asia. Using these combos saves you from moving the washed clothes from the washer into a separate dryer. This will save a lot of your time. You need to spend less time on laundry. These drying equipment are less harsh on fabrics. Further, these appliances require less water and electrical energy. They are ideal for homes and laundries with limited space. The market also offers sensor dryers. These machines switch off automatically when the clothes get dry. This eliminates the chances of damage of clothes due to over-drying.

It is important to consider few important factors before choosing an electric clothes dryer, including drum size, electricity usage, energy ratings, energy efficiency, size, lint catcher, drying cycle, setup, settings, operation, maintenance, cost and warranty.

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